Top tips for year-end: overview

  1. Read our guidance to understand what you need to do for year-end.

  2. Submit any claims and reconcile payment card transactions as soon as you incur an expense – this will ensure you are prepared for year-end.

  3. Run the ‘budget vs expenditure’ report to check your latest budget position. You can view details of claims and payments you have made previously by running the ‘claims and payments’ report.

  4. Complete all payroll tasks in IPSA Online by 15 April. Payroll will review all relevant payments in April and allocate them to the right financial year.

  5. If IPSA pays rent directly to your landlord or agent, the final 2024-25 payment will be automatically allocated to the right financial year. If you pay rent yourself, you will need to submit a year-end form to tell us which financial year to allocate rent costs to.

Bonus tip: Proxies, ask your MP to check for and action any tasks in their IPSA Online task manager. MPs, make sure your proxies have completed all their tasks too.