Bulletin, 17 November 2022 (Annual Publication 2021-22 Business Costs, communication resources and festive and celebratory claims guidance)
Today we published figures for all business costs incurred by MPs in the 2021-22 financial year. You can find more information about this below as well as resources to help you answer queries.
On Friday 9 December our phone lines will be closed for training. If you have an urgent query that day, please email us and use the word "urgent" in the subject line. Our phone service will resume as normal on Monday 12 December.
This week's bulletin contains information on:
Annual publication for 2021-2022
Communication resources
Festive and celebratory claims guidance
Annual Publication for 2021-2022
We have today published figures for business costs incurred by MPs for their parliamentary duties in the 2021-22 financial year. You can access this information on our website.
Our Chief Executive, Ian Todd said:
"At IPSA we believe in providing transparency to the public, and for making sure that the information we publish is accessible and meaningful. The data we have published today shows the essential costs incurred by MPs to carry out their parliamentary duties in the year ending March 2022. We know that it has been a challenging year for MPs and they have seen another rise in casework. At IPSA we have supported MPs and their staff to continue to serve constituents, including some of the most vulnerable people in society."
“From setting and monitoring MPs’ budgets to public confidence and MPs’ security, what IPSA does matters and we play our part in a much bigger jigsaw of democracy. The public should be assured that spending on MPs’ business costs is compliant with our rules and helps MPs’ staff around the country to work for their local communities."

Staffing – £111.2m, up from £105.8m in 2020-21
Office Costs – £13.5m, down from £15.2m in 2020-21
Accommodation – £9.6m, up from £9.3m in 2020-21
Travel & Subsistence – £4.3m, up from £2.1m in 2020-21
Security – £4.4m, up from £4.3m in 2020-21
Other (including staff absences) £442k
Disability – £279k, up from 176K in 2020-21
Communications resources
We are committed to providing context to the information we publish regarding MPs' staffing and business costs.
In Annual publication 2021-22 – Our data in context we explain the data we provide and how to review it.
This year, Lee Bridges, our Director of Policy and Engagement, has recorded a quick interview answering some of the top questions about annual publication.
We also have a range of articles on our website including Why we fund certain utility bills, A guide to MPs' claims, MPs' business costs aren't expenses and Why does MPs' spending vary so much?
We also have our myth buster video to address the top five misconceptions about MPs' pay.
Feel free to use these resources if they're helpful.
Festive and celebratory claims guidance
We have provided some answers to frequently asked questions about the use of budgets for celebrations to support MPs and their staff in conducting their parliamentary activities during the festive season.
The answers give broad guidance about what is allowable under the Scheme.
There is discretion within budgets for some items, but we would remind MPs that claims:
should represent value for money, especially in the current economic climate
must be expressly parliamentary in nature
should not be party-political, campaigning, or self-promotional
All claims will be published in the usual manner.
For more information, visit Festive and celebratory claims.